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Can ETI products be combined with other natural treatment protocols?These products synergize effectively with numerous other natural protocols and can be confidently incorporated into wellness regimens.
Can ETIs formulas interfere with conventional drugs?Our products have the potential to enhance the effects of prescription medications. If you are using them in conjunction with conventional drugs, we advise taking ETI products separately, with a minimum of 2 hours between administrations.
How does the body’s energy system work?The energy system works like the “software” of the body. In other words, it is the “operating program” which provides the energetic instructions for all the biological, chemical, and psychological processes of the body. Balancing and regulating the energy system is essential for maintaining health.
Having so much evidence regarding effectiveness and importance of these energy patterns, what is the problem with presenting that evidence to conventional science?In the realms of biology and psychology, where the impact of frequency energy pattern is most significant, statistical analysis is considered the cornerstone of modern scientific validation. While we currently lack the extensive network needed to accumulate statistical proof, we are stimulated by the growing involvement of health professionals in our research efforts.
Without a testing regimen, how long should I expect to wait before determining if the product is effective?For certain applications like Stress Relief, patients may experience an immediate change. If you're feeling stressed, you can expect a noticeable sense of calm within minutes, which can last for 3-4 hours. If your body's energetic balance has not shifted to the new equilibrium, either locally or systemically, you may need to repeat the application. In general, most products typically require around two weeks for issue resolution, although each product comes with its own specific recommendation.
What happens if I use too much? Is the effect like vitamins, where the body is okay and rejects the excess substance? How would the body actually work with that?The body tends to accept or reject energy more readily than chemicals. While an energy overdose is possible, it typically doesn't lead to the pronounced negative effects associated with chemical overdoses. Instead, an excess of energy may result in temporary discomfort, such as agitation for a few hours, without causing severe side effects.
Does food intake interfere with the energetic influence of the products?No, energy does not affect the body through assimilation in the digestive tract; it follows its own distinct pathways
Can these formulas be taken sublingually?That's not the most optimal approach. Our recommendation is to incorporate the product by adding it to water, juice, or any liquid.
How many health issues can be worked on at the same time with these products?These products can be used to address multiple well-being concerns simultaneously, as our energetic formulas strengthen the internal healing mechanism that fills the human body on physical, emotional, and mental levels. They amplify vitality and life force, thereby augmenting our potential to progress towards our individual peak health.
What is the body’s energy system?The energy system is made up of energy centers and energy pathways, known as chakras and meridians in Traditional Oriental Medicine, which serve as channels for the flow of energy.
How do ETI products have an effect in the body?Our products are remarkably gentle and primarily operate on the energetic plane rather than the biochemical one. It is hypothesized that the unique frequency signals emitted by VFT formulas are detected by specialized receptors within the body, subsequently translating this information into the essential data required for all biological processes. As Dr. Jeffrey Marrongelle said, “after reviewing all of these patient’s results, chronic-degenerative, intermediate and acute, what is most interesting about the ETI Energy formulas influence was that across the board and regardless of the category or condition, we observed consistent positive responses.”
How is the VFT frequency pattern generated?VFT is a three-stage process consisting of (1) a white noise plasma-based generator along with a specially designed set of filters to select the desired modulation frequency patterns, referred to as VFT patterns or VFT formulas, (2) the digitization of these patterns for computer storage, and (3) the infusion of the amplified patterns into commonly used materials, including liquids, solids, and powders. Various substances can serve this purpose effectively, with both organic and inorganic materials, including crystals, capable of preserving and carrying these frequency patterns for extended durations. Concentrated trace minerals and crystals, in particular, best in retaining VFT patterns for many years.
Can the products be used by children?Our formulas are suitable for all individuals. However, the dosage may need adjustment for children, as they are often more sensitive. We suggest using 1/3 of the standard adult dosage diluted in 2-4 oz. of water for children aged 3-12 years old, and for smaller children, 1-2 drops diluted in 2-4 oz. of water is recommended.
Can these formulas be taken during the day and/or evening?The majority of our formulas come with typical recommendations of taking 10-15 drops, diluted in 2-4 oz. of water, 2-3 times a day. However, for formulas that enhance endurance or boost active energy levels, like Peak Performance it is advisable not to use them in the evening. For further dosage details, please visit the relevant page.
How do I know how many drops of a product needs?Please, see dosage recommendations.
What is VFT?Vital Force Technology™ is a proprietary technology developed by Dr. Yury Kronn, enabling the generation of different VFT frequency patterns. ETI employs this technology to formulate their products.
What happens when the body’s energy system is disrupted?Imagine the energy system as a highway. When energy becomes imbalanced or encounters obstructions, it can lead to illnesses and diseases. Similar to how a highway can get blocked due to an accident, trauma can also disrupt the entire energy system.
What is the difference in the dosage for acute versus chronic conditions?In general, for acute conditions, we recommend using 10-15 drops diluted in 2-4 oz. of water every 20 minutes during the first hour, followed by 15-20 drops 2-3 times per day until the condition improves or resolves (typically around 5 days). For chronic conditions, use 15-20 drops diluted in 2-4 oz. of water 2-3 times per day. Some individuals may experience significant benefits with just 10 drops. For additional dosage details, please refer to the corresponding page.
Are these products damaged by X-rays?No, unlike homeopathic remedies, they are not affected by exposure to x-rays.
2. AnxietyDescription: May decrease symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder by more efficiently supporting the regulation of homeostasis via HPA. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Adrenal Support (10 drops), Master Brain (3 drops), Adaptogen (3 drops) and Oxytocin (2-3 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day; increase frequency up to 5 times per day during a panic attack or severe anxiety; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: This formulation can be very effective for individuals by tailoring and fine-tuning suggested proportions. Do not use this formula during acute state of infection. Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
1. Fatigue, overall weaknessDescription: May help to overcome fatigue caused by frequent or sustained stress; increases energy production and engages a stable emotional state. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Adrenal Support (10 drops), Thyroid (5 drops) and Selenium (2-3 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day with the last dosage no later than 2-3 hours before bed; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
8. Thyroid Support during stressDescription: This formula decreases the impact of stressful conditions on the thyroid gland by improving the body's capacity for adaptation. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Stress Relief (3-5 drops), Hypothalamus Support (3-5 drops) and Adaptogen (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day up to 2-3 weeks. Precautions: For those individuals with hypothyroid conditions. Use Thyroid formula to balance hyperthyroid conditions. Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
7. GI Support during stressDescription: May be helpful with prolonged stressful conditions and compromised GI functions. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Stress Relief (10-15 drops) and GI Aid (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3 times per day up to 2-3 weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
9. Cardio support during stressDescription: Can be used as a restorative tonic in cases of overall weakness and might reduce the risk of heart problems during stressful conditions, caused by physical over-exertion and extensive exercise; may also improve the body's oxygen status. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Heart Support (5 drops), Oxygen (3-5 drops) and Stress Relief (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink when necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
5. Mental support during stressDescription: It can be used as a restorative tonic for the brain during stressful conditions and might help with mental fatigue, enhancement of memory and intellect. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Master Brain (10 drops) and Hypothalamus Support (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, when necessary, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
6. Immune system support during stressDescription: May be helpful with prolonged stressful conditions and frequent cold or flu infections. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Stress Relief (10-15 drops) and Acute Immune (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink up to 5 times for the first day and then 2-3 times per day up to 7-10 days. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
3. DepressionDescription: May be helpful with symptoms of persistent depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Formulation and Dosage: Mix Stress Relief (5 drops), Hypothalamus Support (5 drops) and Tranquility (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3-4 times per day up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
4. TraumaDescription: May help with emotional upsets, frightening memories or with a sense of constant danger. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Forgiveness (10 drops) and Healing Love (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day or when necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
6. Fragmentation of sleep, waking unusually earlyDescription: Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hyperactivity can lead to the fragmentation of sleep, decreased slow-wave sleep, and shortened sleep time. To complicate matters, sleep disturbances can worsen HPA axis dysfunction, thereby worsening the whole sleep cycle. This pattern requires the energetic balance of the HPA axis during the day, as well as an energetic support to shift to the sleep homeostasis pattern in the evening. Formulation and Dosage: During the day - Mix Hypothalamus Support (5 drops) with Adrenal Support (5 drops), and Stress Relief (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink in the morning and in the middle of the day; continue up to two weeks. At night - Jujube Sleep Aid – 5-10 drops at 6 pm and 5-10 drops at 8 pm; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
2. Difficulty falling asleep, when accompanied by excessive worry and/or emotional distressDescription: Helps to decrease symptoms of generalized sleeplessness, due to a high level of stress, accompanied with panic disorder and/or social anxiety disorder. Formulation and Dosage: During the day - Mix Adrenal Support (10 drops) and Stress Relief (5-10 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink in the morning and in the middle of the day; continue up to two weeks. At night - Mix Goodnight (5 drops), Stress Relief (5 drops) and Adrenal Support (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink about one hour before bed; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
1. Difficulty in falling asleep, when accompanied with stress and a pattern of overactive thoughtsDescription: Helps to decrease symptoms of transient and short-term sleeplessness, due to any stressful life experience, disturbance of one’s sleep schedule, or an unconducive sleep environment, accompanied with a pattern of overactive thoughts. Formulation and Dosage: During the day - Mix Stress Relief (10 drops) and Adaptogen (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink in the morning and in the middle of the day; continue up to two weeks. At night - Mix Jujube Sleep Aid (10 drops) and Clear Mind + Iron (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink about one hour before bed; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
3. Difficulty falling asleep, when accompanied with painDescription: Helps to effectively, energetically support a person’s normal sleep pattern through decreasing some nonspecific pain symptoms. Formulation and Dosage: During the day - Mix Vital360 (10-20 drops) with Stress Relief (5-10 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink in the morning and in the middle of the day or when necessary to decrease the pain level. At night - Mix Goodnight (5 drops), Stress Relief (5 drops), and Vital360 (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink before bed; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
4. Nighttime sleep disruption, when accompanied with nocturnal hypoglycemiaDescription: Helps to effectively, energetically support exhausted adrenal glands that are stressed out by anxiety or fatigue, pain, fear, relationship, money, work or old abuse stress, and thereby energetically support the blood sugar level at night. Formulation and Dosage: During the day - Mix Adrenal Support (10 drops) with Stress Relief (5 drops), and GI Aid (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink in the morning and in the middle of the day; continue up to two weeks. At night - Goodnight – 15 drops in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink before bed; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
5. Difficulty falling asleep, when accompanied with restless leg syndromeFormulation and Dosage: At night - Mix Goodnight (10 drops), Magnesium (3-5 drops), and Vital360 (10 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink before bed time; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
3. Energy boost for physical activitiesDescription: Indicated for both men and women athletes. Recommended in any situation where the body and/or mind are trained to perform optimally and when pushed beyond normal limits. Facilitates rapid recovery from serious physical stress. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Peak Performance (5-10 drops), Clear Mind (5 drops) and Quantum Balance (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink before, during or after physical activities. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
1. Brain function support during stressful conditionsDescription: Can be used as a restorative tonic for the brain during stressful conditions and might help with mental fatigue, as well as enhance memory and support intellect. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Master Brain (10 drops) and Hypothalamus Support (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, when necessary, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
9. Fatigue and/or mental overwork accompanying low GI functioningDescription: May help overcome fatigue caused by frequent or sustained stress and physical or mental overwork accompanied by dysregulation of the digestive system. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Master Brain (5 drops), Adrenal Support (5 drops) and GI Aid (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, continue for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
8. Systemic support to decrease low-level state of inflammationDescription: Can be used to decrease stress that might cause hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal imbalances, which, in turn, could affect the renin-angiotensin system, which could increase the transcription of inflammatory mediators. Relaxation and pleasant experiences appear to reduce inflammatory responses, promote normalization of neuroendocrine status and allow humoral and cellular elements of the immune system to function properly, as well as decrease susceptibility to allergy, infection and neurogenic inflammation. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Master Brain (5-10 drops), Vital360 (5 -10 drops), Adrenal support (3 drops) and Stress Relief (3-5 drops) in 4-6 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
2. Balancing an overactive mindDescription: May be helpful to decrease nervousness and insomnia, as well as a general tonic to relieve physical and mental fatigue associated with stress, worry or hyperactive imagination. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Clear Mind (10 drops) and Stress Relief (5-10) drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3-4 times per day, for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
6. Supporting brain function during depressionDescription: May be helpful with symptoms of persistent depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Formulation and Dosage: Mix Stress Relief (5 drops), Hypothalamus Support (5 drops) and Tranquility (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3-4 times per day, for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
5. Supporting brain function during states of anxietyDescription: May decrease symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and social anxiety disorder by more efficiently supporting regulation of homeostasis via HPA. Also, this can help physical and mental conditions associated with injury, illness, overwork, mental exertion and lack of vitality. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Adrenal Support (5 drops), Master Brain (5 drops), Adaptogen (3 drops) and Oxytocin (2-3 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day; increase frequency up to 5 times per day during a panic attack or severe anxiety; continue up to two weeks. Precautions: This formulation can be very effective for individuals by tailoring and fine-tuning suggested proportions. Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
4. Supporting mental clarity and emotional stabilityDescription: This formulation can help develop the experience of mental clarity, calmness, stable mood and/or a feeling of happiness, as well as support normal brain-body function during menopause. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Master Brain (5-10 drops), Hypothalamus support (5 drops), Oxytocin (5 drops) and Stress Relief (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
10. Oxytocin FormulaDescription: This formula may improve energetic vitality and enhance sociability. A person can look more vibrant, and experience more feelings of charm, love and harmony. Dosage: 10-15 drops diluted in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, when necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
7. Eliminating headaches from overwork or after an overnight flightDescription: This formulation may help decrease the experience of mental tiredness or headache from overwork or after an overnight flight. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Master Brain (5-10 drops), Vital360 (10-15drops) and Adrenal support (5 drops) in 4-6 oz. of water. Drink 2 times per day when necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
1. Support the Body’s Performance and Oxygen LevelDescription: This formulation helps your body adapt quickly to any kind of physical activities, as well as providing support during recovery time, via energetically enhancing the broad physiological patterns connected to the body’s energy production pathways. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Peak Performance (5-10 drops) and Oxygen Plus (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink as needed. Precautions: This is an active energy pattern. Do not use later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
2. Effective Support After a Long Work DayDescription: This formulation may be used to enhance one’s ability to regulate, regenerate, adapt and increase vitality after prolonged mental and/or physical activities. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Peak Performance (5-10 drops) and Clear Mind (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink as needed. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
2. High nervous state accompanied by GI structural and functional dysregulationDescription: May decrease symptoms of nervousness by more efficiently supporting regulation of homeostasis in the Microbiota-Gut-Brain axis, and may help with travel constipation, fight-or-flight reactions as well as physiologically induced diarrhea. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Master Brain (5-8 drops), GI Aid (5-8 drops) and Stress Relief (5-8 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, continue for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
4. Overall improvement in digestion and absorptionDescription: May be helpful with compromised GI functions and low thyroid function. Formulation and Dosage: Mix GI Aid (10-15 drops) and Thyroid (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
5. Gut dysfunction associated with any inflammatory stateDescription: May be helpful in the spectrum of GI conditions associated with the increase of permeability and inflammation. This may be enhanced by using an oligo-antigenic diet, anti-inflammatory agents, and factors that improve microbial balance. Formulation and Dosage: Vital 360 (10-15 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3 times per day after food intake, up to two-three weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
3. General GI function supportDescription: May be helpful with symptoms of sluggishness and slow digestive function. Formulation and Dosage: Mix GI Aid (10 drops) and Liver/pancreas/spleen (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink after food intake, for up to two weeks or whenever necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
1. Fatigue, low GI functionalityDescription: May help overcome fatigue caused by frequent or sustained stress, followed by digestive function dysregulation. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Adrenal Support (10 drops) and GI Aid (10 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, continue for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
1. Supporting the body’s detoxification pathwaysDescription: May help to improve the body’s detoxification through energetically supporting functions of the liver, pancreas, kidneys and the lymphatic system. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Detox (5 drops), Liver/Pancreas/Spleen (5 drops) and Formula G (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink this mixture 2-3 times per day, 10-15 minutes after food intake, continue up to two weeks. Precautions: This formulation can be very effective for individuals by tailoring and fine-tuning suggested proportions. Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solutions. No precautions or side effects, if used within the recommended dosages.
2. Addressing stress conditions during the detoxification processDescription: This formulation increases the body’s detoxification possibilities through energetically improving one’s response to stressful conditions. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Detox (5-10 drops) with Meta Stress (5-10 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, continue up to two weeks. If severe stress conditions are present, always address stress conditions before starting the detoxification process. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
9. Meditation SupportDescription: See the website description for meditation elixirs, such as Alchemy of Transformation, Cosmic Eye, Deep Insight, Higher Guidance, Success & Achievement and Zen. Formulation and Dosage: Drink 5-15 drops before meditation or when necessary. Precautions: Mix with water for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
4. Supporting GI track during the detoxification processDescription: May be helpful with addressing compromised GI functions when accompanied with stressful conditions. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Detox (5 drops), GI Aid (5 drops), Meta Stress (5 drops) and Magnesium (2-3 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day before food intake, up to two weeks Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
5. Metal detox supportDescription: May be helpful to anyone living in toxic environmental conditions Formulation and Dosage: Metal Detox (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 4-5 times per day, up to two-three weeks. Precautions: Always start with ½ dosage for the first 2-3 days; it is also suggested to improve the GI track conditions and liver detoxification pathways before starting to use this formula. Increase daily intake of fiber and water. Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
6. Mercury detox SupportDescription: This formula may significantly increase the body’s capabilities for mercury detox. Formulation and Dosage: Mercury Detox (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day up to 2-3 weeks. Precautions: Always start with ½ dosage for the first 2-3 days; it is also suggested to improve the GI track conditions and liver detoxification pathways before starting to use this formula. Increase daily intake of fiber and water. Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
8. Support in case of the electromagnetic environmental pollution as well as “psychological pollution”Description: May support and positively strengthen the body’s physiological reactions when exposed to the electromagnetic environmental pollution (EMF Transformer, EMF Protection crystals), and may significantly decrease the impact of the “psychological pollution” (Schumann Resonance Protection crystals, Clean Sweep). Formulation and Dosage: Spray your home, your workplace and around your body using Clean Sweep; wear Schumann Resonance Protection and EMF Protection crystals; use EMF Transformer on your cell phone, computer, Wi-Fi devices, smart meters etc. Use when necessary Precautions: No precautions or side effects. Adjust the time to wear the Schumann Resonance Protection and EMF Protection crystals to the individual.
3. Supporting neuroendocrine functions during the detoxification processDescription: May be helpful with fatigue symptoms caused by sustained stressful conditions and thus supporting energy production during the detoxification process. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Detox (10 drops), Adrenal Support (5 drops) and Thyroid (2-3 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day, up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
7. Supporting emotional detoxDescription: It can be used as a restorative tonic to decrease the body’s shift toward fear-inducing and anxiogenic conditions. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Meta Stress (5 drops), Forgiveness (5 drops) and Detox (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day or when necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
3. Calm and reorganize your emotionsDescription: This combination may help to balance and reorganize fundamental emotions that could affect your body’s energy, such as anger, sadness, grief, worry, fear, and fight. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Circulatory (3 drops), L/S/P (10 drops), and Balance (3 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day; increase frequency up to 5 times per day during a panic attack or severe anxiety; continue for up to two weeks. Precautions: This formulation can be very effective for individuals by tailoring and fine-tuning suggested proportion. Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
6. Heart Function SupportDescription: This combination can be used as a restorative tonic in cases of overall weakness and might reduce the risk of heart problems during stressful conditions caused by physical over-exertion and/or extensive exercise; may also improve the body’s oxygen status. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Heart Support (10 drops) and Oxygen (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink when necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
1. Balance the body’s energy flow with Circulatory formulaDescription: This formula was created with the energetic intent to awaken human innate powers assisting the body’s circulatory system by unblocking energetic passages in the human spiritual, mental, and emotional manifestations, thus promoting an uninterrupted energy flow in the body via special energy channeling formulas, like Life Energy, Anti-GABA, and Substance Harmony. Help to suppress destructive forces that provoke vasoconstriction, vascular hypertrophy, fibrosis, and inflammation using Blood vessels support, Magnesium formulas, as well as the energetic imprint of the following herbs: hawthorn, turmeric, horse chestnut, bilberry, linden, ginger, and lobelia. Can support the body’s homeostatic relationship between the cardiovascular and other body systems with our formulas Oxygen, Heart support, Longevity, and Kidney. Might be helpful as a quick and effective recovery tool after intensive exercises or physical trauma. It helps your tense muscles to relax, releasing energy that keeps them tight. Dosage: 15-20 drops in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 1-2 times per day or when necessary. Recommend not to drink later then at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. It might affect your sleeping pattern. Safety: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
5. Energetic stagnation and painDescription: This combination may help relieve any exercise-related musculoskeletal discomfort, support the body’s normal connective tissue repair process and the body’s optimal function. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Circulatory (7-10 drops) with Vital360 (7-10 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day or when necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
2. Increase the power of your mind; recover and balance your body’s energy systemDescription: This combination might be helpful to increase the power of your mind in its function to direct and control your body’s energy field and preventing energy imbalanced states, as well as to reduce or eliminate foggy brain feelings or headaches after strong mental or emotional upsets; to promote healthy energy levels, restore alertness, and to improve stamina. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Clear Mind (3-5 drops), Circulatory (3-5 drops), and Quantum Balance (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day with the last dosage no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime; continue for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
4. Joyful BalanceDescription: This combination may be helpful with a variety of symptoms accompanying an excessive joy that can unbalance your energy and cause some problems, including heart palpitations, insomnia, stiff neck, abdominal pain, and mystified thinking. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Quantum Balance (10 drops), special formula Perfect Vitality (3-5 drops), and Circulatory (3-5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2 times per day for up to two weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
6. Support common allergic reactionsDescription: May be helpful with allergic reactions such as sneezing, runny nose, sniffling, and swelling of your nasal passages from indoor allergens such as home dust and dust associated with pets, or outdoor allergens such as pollens or molds. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Rose Absolute (5 drops), Acute Immune (5 drops), Stress Relief (5 drops), and GI Aid (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3 times per day after food intake up to 1 week or whenever necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
9. Systemic support in decreasing a state of low-level inflammationDescription: Relaxation and pleasant experiences appear to reduce inflammatory responses, promote normalization of neuroendocrine status and allow humoral and cellular elements of the immune system to function correctly, as well as to decrease susceptibility to allergy, infection and neurogenic inflammation. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Master Brain (5-10 drops), Vital360 (5 -10 drops), Adrenal Support (3 drops) and Stress Relief (3-5 drops) in 4-6 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day up to 2 weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
4. For Immune dysfunctions associated with unresolved inflammatory statesDescription: May be helpful with the spectrum of the immune system functions related to an inappropriate inflammatory response. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Chronic Immune (5 drops), Acute Immune (5 drops) and Vital360 (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3 times per day and continue up to 2 weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
10. Immune system support due to agingDescription: Recommended to use after the age of 50-55, when the immune system functioning declines in strength and precision. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Chronic Immune (5 drops), Anti-Aging (5 drops) and Thymus (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day up to 2-3 weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended. * Disclaimer (i) The information is provided for educational purposes only. (ii) These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The provided information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases or, medical problems.
1. Immune system support during temporary acquired immune deficienciesDescription: Might be helpful with immune weakness due to drug intake, chronic illness, after multiple infections, as well as deficiencies caused by smoking, alcohol, poor nutrition or due to the body’s increased toxic load. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Chronic Immune (5 drops), Longevity (5 drops) and Detox (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day up to 2-3 weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
3. Immune system support with compromised GI functionsDescription: May support immune system when malabsorption and maldigestion symptoms are present. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Chronic Immune (10 drops), GI Aid (5 drops), Detox (5 drops) and Healthy Mouth (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3 times per day after food intake up to 2 weeks. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
2. Immune system support during stressful conditionsDescription: Maybe helpful with prolonged stressful conditions and frequent cold or flu infections. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Chronic Immune (10 drops), Stress Relief (5 drops) and Adrenal Support (5 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 2-3 times per day up to 10 -15 days. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
7. Healthy bones and joint supportDescription: The following combination might effectively support against pain and inflammation of the joints. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Vital360 (10 drops), Chronic Immune (10 drops), and Rejuvenation (3-5 drops). Drink 2-3 times per up to 1 week or whenever necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
8. Formulation against seasonal allergiesDescription: May be helpful with seasonal allergic reactions to pollens and other substances. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Seasonal Calm (10 drops) and Chronic Immune (5-10 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Drink 3 times per day up to 1 week or whenever necessary. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
5. Support healthy teeth and gumsDescription: The following combination effectively supports your dental cavity against pain and inflammation after dental procedures, as well as with a variety of conditions associated with gum problems. You may want to add it to your personal dental-care regiment, too. Formulation and Dosage: Mix Healthy Mouth (10 drops) and Vital360 (10 drops) in 2-4 oz. of water. Continue up to 2 weeks. Add several drops to your toothbrush and gently apply to your gums and teeth. Precautions: Increase the amount of water to 4-6 oz. for individuals with GI sensitivity to minerals in the solution. Safe if used as recommended.
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